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Draining Massage

The method of Dr. Emil VODDER
DLM Manual Lymphatic Drainage

It is a massage technique intended to relaunch the circulation of the Lymph.

Through gentle, precise and technical maneuvers, it will participate in draining excess liquids (those that create orange peel skin and cellulite, heavy legs and swollen ankles) and expel toxins by sending them to the lymph nodes, themselves charged elimination by natural voices.

Slimming guaranteed at the level of the thighs and the belly, since the thickness of the skin will decrease to become again supple, toned and firmer.


DLM therefore also improves the quality of the skin by reducing cellulite through better lymphatic circulation. 

But when it comes to losing centimeters, several close sessions are necessary, then once a week all year round in order to maintain the result.


Lymphatic drainage is contraindicated without permission from your regular physician in the case of acute infection, carotid sinus sclerosis, tuberculosis, and malignant tumors.

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